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Demo Reels - Submitting for Auditions and Agents

Updated: Sep 22, 2024

A demo reel shows casting directors, directors, producers, agents, etc what the actors craft looks like on camera as well as what projects the actor has been in. It is important that the demo reel shows only the best of the actor and not other actors in the scene. When picking scenes, pick the best 5-10 seconds and combine them into a 60-90 seconds, max 120 second demo reel. Examples of demos are below as well as videographers to help with scenes to add to a reel if actor does not have material yet.

You Can Create a Demo Reel Yourself

With today's phones being as state of the art as they are you can shoot a demo reel yourself with high quality footage. All you need is 1 to 2 minutes of footage with approximately five to six 10 second clips of you performing original material. You can write it yourself or work with a friend. Making demo reels is a fun process that gives you a great feel for what real work on set is like.

Keep Your Reel Up to Date

Make sure you keep your demo reel up to date with your latest work & your best work. This is what showcases you as an actor, it is the first thing a casting director sees so be sure you are showing your best self & showcasing dynamic material. Not only will this be seen for casting but agents look at these too.

Dallas Producers for Demo Reels

Here are two awesome companies that can help you get your demo reel started in a professional setting, or add the missing piece to make your demo reel stand out and show your abilities so Casting Directors remember you.

Demo Reels: Pelicula Media

Demo Reels: Eddie Lee Henderson

Demo Reel Examples

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